Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rule of Thirds assignment

Rule of thirds, water fall in Smugglers Notch

River shot in Johnson, corner of Rt 108, & 109
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  1. Rule of thirds really works for your two examples. It is especially true for the shot of the river. In the one that is centered you hardly notice the river, but in the one off the side, the river changes into the subject and the tree accents it. Great job.

  2. I really like the pictures of the waterfalls and how different they each look by being centered and ont he rule of thirds. I really like the 2nd picture of the waterfall, it seems to show more detail then the first

  3. I love your waterfalls. I like the bottom photo as is has more details of the rocks behind the waterfall.

  4. these are very purrty! were they taken at the same location?

  5. Chelsea, nope the water fall was in the Notch, and the tree/river was in Johnson.

  6. I am in agreement with Amanda regarding the river/tree shot. The second photo is far more appealing and the river is more an aspect of the picture than in the first photo. I also like how the picture is balanced by the clump of yellow flowers on the right. This is a good example of the rule of thirds.
