Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lighting assignment

Dreary shot overcast skies .
Then the morning sun.

Late day fading sun, last time it will shine in this window today.
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  1. I love the different times of day all captured sunlight and shadows on your floor. Great idea.

  2. It amazing how the different lighting can change the look of the floor.

  3. I like the simplicity of the floor photos sometimes the most simple things are the best.

  4. Great job! Really like the use of the floor. I was so glad to see the sun on my floor again after all the rain we got :)

  5. Great shots. I really like the last one with the fading sun. There is a lot of contrast in this shot and the details and the shadows are very clear and add a lot of interest to the photo.

  6. I love the way that you chose the same subject for lighting, however in each photo it looks like a totally different wood floor. Great job.

  7. Ericka,
    Wow, that is amazing. Each picture looks like a different floor, because of the lighting. That is incredible. Nice job.
