Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 3 collage-Ericka

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  1. I think it was interesting how you decided to spiral your photos. I did not figure out at first that you could do a background like that, nice touch.

  2. Nice job. The photo above the hand looks just like the lava that I saw in Hawaii this year.

  3. I like the pictures of the baby hand and foot. Very sweet!

  4. Great job! Really like how the pictures with color pop out from the ones that are more neutral.

  5. Nice variety of subject matter. I like the contrast between the child's hand and the rocks.

  6. I love how the background all is pictures of neutral colors.

  7. I like the combination of multiple objects with similar colors which, upon close inspection, have very different textures and shades.

  8. I like the variety of photos. Mostly I love the baby foot and hand. Also I like how there is alot of detail and texture in these photos

  9. Ericka,
    This blog is wonderful. You can tell that you are good at it. It is nice to have a teacher. I could use some advice if you have it. My blog is need of some serious help.... I hope you follow your passion.

  10. Ericka,
    I like that you have a background photo, and then other pictures coming out of it. I especially love the baby and and foot!
    Good Job!

  11. This is amazingly cute! I love the baby hands and feet especially!


  12. looking back on this collage, I think I would have put the hand above the foot, so it made sense, like the way it is when we are standing? What looks like "lava" is a scar in the tree that it had healed over on it's own.
