Wednesday, November 3, 2010


WOW, this was a really frustrating assignment, I don't know if I didn't look hard enough
for the correct "brush" but oh man!

Here is what I did:
Duplicated original image
Cropped away the sidewalk and the extra swing rope
Then I took the Burn (darker) tool and played and played with the settings until I found the density I wanted and did a couple layers until the sun spot over W's shoulder was toned way down. Then I choose the Dodge(lighten) tool and highlighted his face so was the focus.
I realized that I over lightened his face so I went back and burned his eyes and mouth and armpit.
I would have liked to have erased or smoothened the lines from the brush.
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  1. Well done. Very cute and you did a good job at bringing the focus in.

  2. This is nice, the cropping is especially effective.
